cH online

Online contributions from our community

The Sea – The Poems

In October 2019 the cornerHOUSE hosted The Sea an exhibition of locally made poetry and art.

These are the poems from the exhibition.

The paintings are also on cH-online at The Sea – The Art

As the exhibition was inspired by the sea, you might also want to hear the sounds of waves crashing as you read them. Going to the sea itself is, of course, a little tricky at the moment, but we can imagine. To help you to do that, we’ve put the sounds that accompanied the exhibition on to the sound file at the bottom of this page. Click on The Sea – The Sounds, press play and transport yourself to a beach or the quiet peace of the coast, safe in the knowledge that you’re not breaching any social distancing rules by being there!

The Sea – The Poems

The Sea – The Sounds