There is a board of Trustees who manage the centre through a charity which has been set up specifically to run the place. Four trustees are appointed by the parish which owns the building and three by the community. The Trust can co-opt further trustees.
The Trustees are currently:
The Douglas Centre Trust is the charity which runs the cornerHOUSE : registered charity number 1047038, limited company number 3057887
Our 2021 AGM will be held on 30 April via Zoom. Chairs Report and Financial Report from our 2020 AGM are available below.
2019 AGM reports are also available via the links below

AGM 2019 – Minutes
The Chair, Jeremy Thorn, welcomed those attending the AGM which he explained was for the calendar year 2018 which is our financial year.

AGM 2019 – Chairs Report for 2018
In 2018, we continued to be both busy and successful. We had expended a large sum on repairing our roof in 2017 but the lack of such major issues in 2018 enabled us to rebuild our reserves, as well as continuing to invest in the building and equipment in order to meet the needs of our diverse users. Our focus has continued to be on the arts, education and diversity (of both provision and users).