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Online contributions from our community

Flloyd Kennedy

This is Flloyd Kennedy. Some of you already know her if you were one of the lucky ones who joined the chorus at the end of Lean Theatre’s political satire The Bottom Line (CornerHOUSE, July 2019) where she played The Busker. Listen to The Bottom Line loud and clear out of the window. Get the neighbours to join in, from a window two metres away from yours!

And after that, click here and see Flloyd singing  Sometimes,  in a ‘lockdown’ video recorded at her home last week.

Flloyd will be performing her one-woman show Flloyd with Two LLs at the CornerHOUSE when we re-open our doors. Until then – keep well and keep singing! You can also listen to Flloyd’s songs on Spotify, Amazon Music, Google Play, Apple Music and other music streaming services. For links to these and further information, go to