oneACTS 2016

The 2016 oneACTS ran from 9 to 14 May with nine plays performed over six nights. The plays were;
Waiting for Brother by Anthony Coleman
Directed by Peter Brooker – A brother and sister reminisce about the past, but is the figure who haunts their memories still alive? And who has turned up to sleep in their shed?
Come Fly With Me by David Gray
Directed by Yaz Nixon – Two girl flies on the cusp of adulthood speculate about life and death, food, what lies beyond the lampshade… and meeting boy flies. Then one decides it’s time they go on a little adventure.
A Start by Michael Barry
Directed by Turan Duncan – A writer sits down as his laptop to create a play, but he soon finds the characters who come into his head take on a life of their own.
Ruffled Feathers by Susan Cooke
Directed by Denise Rocard – The dancers in the Saga production of Swan Lake are preparing for their big moment in the corps de ballet, but then a critical review puts the cat among the pigeons as one of the soloists threatens to walk out. Can ruffled feathers be smoothed?
Naked Truths by Michael Staniforth
Directed by Dina Yates – Three students are sharing a flat. They think they know each other, but soon truths will out. Naked truths.
A Deathly Audience by Andrew Earnshaw
Directed by James Goldwater – Henry Cautleworth wants advice about how to live his life – he chooses to seek it, however, in a strange place.
Welcome to Whitemore by Andy Moseley
Directed by Malin B. Erikson – Thom, the owner of a bar in a ghost town in Nebraska, is about to shut up shop for the evening when a stranger arrives. Thom isn’t too pleased to see the stranger. The stranger isn’t too pleased to see Thom.
Little Grains of Sand by Andy Moseley
Directed by Graham Large – Sylvie and Norman are going on holiday together. They’re going back to the place where they met, but there is one big difference about their visit this time.
Rupert and the Search for a Modern Adventure by Michael Staniforth
Directed by Frances Burton – Rupert Bear and his Nutwood family and friends are trying to come up with a lead story for the 2016 Rupert Annual. But a suitably modern, politically correct adventure proves surprisingly hard to find.
Waiting for Brother, Come Fly With Me, A Start and Ruffled Feathers will be performed on 9, 11 and 13 May.
Naked Truths, A Deathly Audience, Welcome to Whitemore, Little Grains of Sand and Rupert and the Search for a Modern Adventure will be performed on 10, 12 and 14 May.
Read more about the playwrights and their plays on our oneACTS 2016 playwrights page.
Some photos from the rehearsals of the plays are below: