cH online

Online contributions from our community

6 at 6 – cornerHOUSE Radio Shorts starts 17 January

Radio Shorts returns to cH-online from 17th January. Following last year’s 12 at 12, we return with a compact 6 at 6!

6 of the best of the radio plays submitted in response to our second Radio Shorts drama initiative will be going online for the next two weeks on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at 6pm.

There’s two ways you can listen to them. Either check the drama page of cH-online or go on to our SoundCloud channel where they’ll be added to the 6 at 6 playlist

You don’t need to listen to them at 6 – each play will stay online until the end of April, but why not make 6 at 6 your alternative to the news after The Chase or Pointless comes to an end!